Assembling and Reassembling Furniture Services

If you’re not sure how to safely handle furniture moving or if you need a hand rearranging furniture within your home, our professionally trained furniture movers can help. Our background-checked moving teams are able to help stage rooms or move items out for renovations, Reassemble, and they are happy to assist you in any way possible. If you own a business and need furniture rearranged, reassemble or moved out of the building, we can help with that, too.

Moving heavy items

If you have a particularly large item that needs moving, such as a piano, a gun safe, or a large piece of furniture, our movers can help you get it wherever it needs to go in your home and reassemble it. We specialize in moving up and down stairs and working around those tricky corners, ensuring the safety of your belongings and your home during the moving process.

Our moving services are not limited to the indoors, either. If you’re not sure how to move your shed from one part of your yard to another, give us a call.